Hungate Tube Complete 16X125mm SKU: 2047-16125


SKU: 2047-16125 Categories: ,


The Hungate Anaerobic Culture Tube was developed for growing and maintaining anaerobic bacteria and culture conditions. Method of the Hungate utilizes syringe methods for anaerobic. Technique:
– Exclude oxygen by flushing the tube with the desired gas
– Add 4.5ml of pre-reduced anaerobic agar medium into tube
-Seal the tube with the Butyl rubber stopper and screw cap and autoclave
-Inoculate with a syringe
-Incubate in a water bath


2047-16000 Screw Cap 15mm

2047-11600 Septum Stopper 13mm

2047-00125 Hungate Tube 16x125mm

250 per case

Additional information

Weight 500 oz
Dimensions 27 × 27 × 27 in